

PETA Business Friend

🤍 Lovethical is a PETA Business Friend 🤍

PETA Business Friends logo with two bunnies

When I launched Lovethical earlier this year, I decided to make it an official Peta Business Friend so that I could start the business with a tangible sign to show that animal welfare is at the heart of Lovethical.

What is a PETA Business Friend?

PETA describe their Business Friends scheme as “an innovative partnership for compassionate companies willing to assist in PETA's ground-breaking work to stop animal abuse and suffering.” Essentially, it involved me donating money to PETA (there are four levels – I did the silver one) which goes directly to PETA to support their great work, and PETA then offered me opportunities to reach their members, such as being listed on their website and being included in some of their email promotions.

Who are PETA and what do they do?

PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. They are animal rights organization that are dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals across the globe, believing that no animal deserves to be used by humans for experimentation, food, clothing, entertainment, or for any other reason.

PETA UK currently list the following 5 issues on their website as major focuses:

Animals are not ours to experiment on PETAAnimals are not ours to wear PETAAnimals are not ours to eat PETAAnimals are not ours to abuse PETAAnimals are not ours to use for entertainment PETA

Click on each section below to find out more:

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Cosmetics testing.
  • Medical experiments.
  • Animals used in education and training (e.g. animal dissection in schools).
  • Live animals used in military training drills (e.g. pigs being shot, stabbed, dismembered, blown up and burned in drills for military surgeons).

For more information on PETA's fight against animal experimentation click here.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • The fur industry.
  • The leather industry.
  • Other animal clothing-related issues, such as down, cashmere, exotic skins and wool.

For more information on PETA's fight against animal-derived clothing click here.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • The meat industry.
  • The milk industry.
  • Other animal food industries, such as foie gras and eggs.

For more information on PETA's fight against animal-derived food click here.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Animal homelessness.
  • Cruelty to animals.

For more information on PETA's fight against animal abuse click here.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Bullfighting.
  • The use of animals in circuses.
  • Marine parks.

For more information on PETA's fight against the use of animals in entertainment click here.


Why did I sign Lovethical up?
There were several reasons why I decided to make Lovethical a PETA Business Friend for my first year in business:

- To provide a sizeable donation to a charity that does so much work to help alleviate the suffering of animals worldwide.

- To start Lovethical with a tangible example to all potential customers of my own personal passion for wanting to help animals.

- Lovethical is a marketplace for ethical beauty and, as such, I don’t manufacture any of the products myself, and therefore I cannot apply for any cruelty-free accreditations such as the Leaping Bunny certification. Therefore, I thought that the PETA Business Friends would be a good alternative route to illustrate the fact that animal welfare is at the heart of Lovethical.

- There are some perks that come with the scheme which, as a brand new business, I thought could be useful marketing opportunities for Lovethical, such as being listed on PETA’s website and being included in some of their emails. Full disclosure though, I was a bit silly when I signed up as somehow I accidentally signed up to the American version of the scheme, rather than the UK one. It works the same, but considering I only currently sell to the UK it would have made more sense to be signed up to the UK version! I really don't mind though, as the money still goes to the charity regardless!

Apart from being a PETA Business Friend, how else do I prioritise animal welfare through Lovethical?

With Lovethical, I try not to have any negative impact on animals at every stage of the business. Most notably:

- Everything I sell is cruelty-free (i.e. they haven’t been tested on animals).

- Everything I sell is vegan (i.e. there are no animal-derived ingredients).

- The packaging I use is 100% vegan, right down to the inks used for my business cards.

- The packaging I use is 100% plastic-free.

To shop the range of vegan, cruelty-free and ethical goodies that I sell, you can browse and shop now by clicking here.

This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Bullfighting.
    • Animals in circuses.
    • Marine parks.

For more information on PETA's fight against the use of animals for entertainment click here.

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