

Hello from Lovethical's Founder

Hi there! My name is Esther and I am so happy to put pen to paper (or - in reality - fingers to laptop) and introduce my passion-project turned business. I am starting Lovethical with one very simple idea in mind: create a website where people can buy wonderful vegan beauty products from companies that do not test on animals, and allow them to easily filter the items by other ethical issues that they care about. Simple idea, right? I’m now in the process of turning that simple idea into an exciting reality.
Why do I care about starting this business, I hear you ask... The main reason is that I have spent years realising just how difficult the search for truly cruelty-free beauty products can be, and I would love to be able to share what I've learnt along the way. Sadly, a ridiculously high number of household name beauty companies still test on animals in one form or another, and my mission is to showcase companies that are saying a firm ‘no’ to it instead.
So, that is my very short and sweet 'hello', and now I must say 'goodbye' because it's 2am and I need to get up for my 9-5 job in a matter of hours - send help!

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